1 Sir Lessing can never be wrong.
2 Anytime when you think Sir Lessing is wrong, refer to Rule 1.
Unfortunately, Sir Lessing did not gave me the answer directly, even if he did, I will not understand that possibly. So I decide to figure it out by myself, from what I have learnt by far.
The first comparable concept should be the Nouns. One should not only remember the Noun itself, but also der bestimmte Artikel(the particular Article) as well, otherwise one can not say a word. The three Articles for singular Nouns are:
der: maskulin 阳性
das: neutral 中性
die: feminin 阴性
Although it is said there is no real principle for the reason why Nouns should work like that: Why der Tisch, die Tasse...? As a future Wissenschaftler(Scientist), I can not quite accept the reason of NO REASON system works in the Germany of "Alles in Ordnung"(Everything in order). Luckily, in China we have the very similar concept, called "阴阳", works as following:
der Mann 男人为阳 die Frau 女人为阴
der Vatter 父为阳 die Mutter 母为阴
(der) männlich 雄性为阳 (die) weiblich 雌性为阴
der Tag 白天为阳 die Nacht 夜晚为阴
der Himmel 天为阳 die Erde 地为阴
der Sohn 子为阳 die Tochter 女为阴
From above, we may guess that der describes the "male" things, and die for the "female". But if we continue doing the comparison in this way, lots of conflicts will happen, one interesting conflict definitely should be:
der Mond 月为阳 die Sonne 日为阴
Why is that? According to our first instinct, Sun should be somehow "male", other than "female". As we all know, the sun changes from day to day, since it radiates itself never stop; yet the moon, rarely change itself during the long period of time. So that we should have the definition as:
"der" Sonne 太阳 "die" Mond 太阴
However, when we observe from the earth, what we get is the son looks the same from day to day, but the moon obviously changes. Seems that the moon should have more "male" property than the sun. And that is why, the 阴阳 system is implicit in China, since we realized that 阴中有阳,阳中有阴. That is to say, we can not treat der and die separately.
This figure shows the basic definition of Chinese 阴阳. Fairly to say, it is the start of China.
To make a little sum up, we may change the guess a little a bit, comparison between German and Chinese, the system of der und die, might based on the observation point of view from human being, while 阴阳 based on the observation point of view from nature.
Ganzheitsmedizin(Medical treatment as a whole), excellent understanding description. that is also the key point and the key power of 中医(TCM), also based on the 阴阳 system. Since most of the concepts are too simple and too nature to use, I am really interesting about how can they make money on that.
Wait a moment, how about das? Is there any das related concept in Chinese? From the supposition above, we can guess that das is something that combined and balanced from der und die and have a certain probability in the future, for example:
das Kind wird der Mann oder die Frau zu werden.
das, in Chinese, is 中. And China, is 中国. So, that is, "das" ist China.
Interestingly, notice that the odd number is 阳, and the even number is 阴. That is, 1 is 阳, 2 is 阴......How the combination of "1" and "2"? The very example, is for one hand, you have 14 finger segments (2 for thumb and 3 for the other four), and 28 for two hands. How about 阳"1" plus 阴"2"? See what do we get?